Yoni Steam Therapy

Yoni steam is a Vaginal cleansing herbal steam that is great for Detoxing the womb.

Yoni Steam Therapy

A vaginal steam treatment session involves relaxing over a pot of steaming water of therapeutic organic herbs that have been uniquely selected for each of their purification properties. You are draped from the chest down in a cape that covers the cube in its entirety for warmth and to retain the steam which brings heat to the pelvis and womb. The process is gentle and extremely relaxing. Benefits of Fertility, Reduce Cramps, Blood clots, Menstrual, Recovery for Cyst & Endometriosis. Also enhances Sexual drive.


You can notice some changes in your body within the first 24 hours of your first session. Immediately after your first session, you will feel so fresh and so clean, like you’ve never felt before. If you struggle with PH imbalance , you may notice the odor is gone the same day.

The Yoni Steam also provides purification and release. Steaming helps women to literally purify their core and release energy and matter they no longer wish to hold in their wombs. It allows women to forgive themselves and others for unpleasant incidents that have occurred over their lifetimes. Steam treatments allow the womb to clear out old residue. As that matter releases, women likewise release emotional feelings that have been stuck inside. It can be a very profound healing tool for women to overcome old emotions and trauma.
In general, herbs are used that promote circulation, cleanse, reduce yeast and bacteria, reduce inflammation, strengthen, nourish, and tone. Herbs are optional. You can steam with mineral salts and/or organic rose petals.
While on your cycle; During a fever; While pregnant or if there is any possibility of pregnancy; With an IUD; With any open cuts / wounds / stitches/sores.